Sunday, April 29, 2007

Polite Discussion On Zionism: Is It Possible?

Note: Here is an article where the author, Karin Friedemann, aka Muslim pretending to be a Jew, Maria Hussain, uses the most useless, baseless, and false argument to basically state Israel has no right to exist. And she expects Jews to have a polite discussion on it? Lets have a polite discussion on the fact that Israel does exist, and that for the most part, Jews stole nothing or next nothing. It is completely false to paint a picture that Palestinian Arabs who lived where Israel is now, OWNED their property. In the overwhelming majority of the situations, they did not. FACT: Arabs who lived in the Palestine region in 1947 only owned 3.3% of the land. Most of the land was state land, and unowned.
And houses were not bulldozed for no reason.
She paints all right wing Joooos with one brush, and all left wing Joooos with another, while lying about what they collectively supposedly say. You have to read her other works to see how Judeophobic she really is.
It is tough to politely argue with someone who is either lying or wilfully ignorant.

The following article was picked up by most anti-semitic sites on the internet. They all make a point that the author is a Jew. She is as Jewish as Mark Glenn is. Here is an expose written by Elder of Ziyon a while back on another one of her stories. She is completely dishonest. It was found out that she posts under this name as well:

One more thing before you read the article. She lives in the Boston area and is half of a notorious husband-wife team. Read this from another article:

"If Friedemann/Hussain, whose writing appears on various Islamist and anti-Jewish Web sites (including former KKK head David Duke's white supremacist publication is a strange one, she has nothing on al Jezeera's favorite "scholar" of Jewish history and anthropology, Joachim Martillo."

The Zionist philosophizes that the Palestinian is not a human (Israel was a land without a people). The Anti-Zionist argues that the Palestinian is a human being. So what is the moderate viewpoint? The Palestinian is a quasi-human? Is this the American Progressive Jewish position?

Polite Discussion on Zionism: Is it Possible?
Karin Friedemann
April 25, 2007
World View News Service

I found very interesting because it is the first time I have come across a progressive Jew so honest about his racism. Usually when confronted, these confused souls just get indignant and refuse to speak to you for a few months. I always wondered how a person could think that Israel has a "right"to "security" and shrug off this amazing assumption with the accusation that anyone who has questions about his definitions is accusing him of being an evil murderer. Why would any sane person think that he has the right to live unharrassed on someone else's stolen property? Even the cute kids waving Israeli flags are participating in a criminally insane political ideology.

Progressive Jews want to make the bottom line "Jews are nice people." But that is not the bottom line. As Hillel mentioned, the bottom line is that you don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. What would we expect if our neighbor, with or without warning, bulldozed our house?

First, we would call the police. If the man with the bulldozer failed to stop bulldozing the house, the police officer would have the duty to disable the vehicle and he might even shoot him. I'm talking about American law. The primary concept of civil rights is that you and your neighbor are sharing the same set of laws and punishments. The bulldozer man would be stopped. He would be considered a criminal. He would be put on trial. He would go to prison. If he had killed people in the process of bulldozing the house, he might even be executed. The owner of the house that was bulldozed would be entitled to damages plus extra for pain and suffering. The law requires that his property be restored to the original state that it was in. That includes replanting the trees and fixing the pavement around the house.

The emotional defensiveness of Jews is actually quite amusing, where they want to argue that the bulldozer man was not evil, he was not a murderer. The family that moved into the stolen property are just innocent idealists. They may be misguided, or mistaken, but for some reason Jews want to argue that they are not evil. What they are really saying is that they don't want Jews to be held legally accountable for their actions. They want to enjoy the privilege of being "protected" from the laws that apply to other people.

A law does not cover the "evilness" of a criminal. It covers actions and consequences.

If international law were followed, the Israeli "government' would never have kicked out any Palestinians. The entire existence of Israel is based on the condition made by the UN that Palestinians would remain in their homes and receive equal citizenship in the new nation state. That condition was not followed. Therefore, there is no legal basis for any assumption that Israel has a right to exist according to the UN. In fact, Israel does not really exist. It is a figment of imagination, the defensive mechanism of the neurotic Jewish collective consciousness. I agree that we need to stop arguing about isms but the next step is to solve the problems. Don't wait for the world community to force Israel to do it. Why don't we, as Jews, just do it? Why are Progressive Jews wasting their time feeling emotionally threatened by a one state solution? The real problem is that we are feeling emotionally threatened by any solution. Because a solution means that Jews need to be prosecuted.

The refugees must be given back their property with extra for damages. Even if they fled their homes because Arab leaders told them to get out of the fighting zone in 1948, they have the legal right to return to their homes as soon as the fighting stops. Small wonder why Israel continues to attack people day after day. The refugees must be given full civil rights. Full water rights, full road rights, and the full right to prosecute every Jewish family in America that has any property in the Holy Land as part of an organized crime network. Especially if both the Palestinian and the Jewish persons are American citizens. For example one friend of mine, after her family was forced off their land by gunpoint, New York Jews bought the land, bulldozed everything, and planted orange trees. She knows where they live. She knows their names. Anyone who buys or sells stolen property is a criminal who needs to be prosecuted. Any Jew who owns Palestinian property in the Holy Land should have his property seized, including their US assets, just like we did to the rum smugglers who funded Jewish terrorism in the 1920s, and Progressive Jews should insist on it instead of doing these mental "I'm not evil" gymnastics.

The Jews need to give back what they stole. I am not sure why that is so confusing to people. There needs to be a world tribunal like the Nuremburg trials to determine what was done and who was responsible, and to put an end to this nonsense. But failing that, the US legal system could solve the problem within a year if we just prosecuted this obnoxious real estate mafia. Why are Progressive Jews not lobbying for criminal penalties on Jews who invest in property that was cleared of its original owners by force in the Holy Land? There is enough room in Bush's new prisons for all these shady real estate agents. This is a simple matter of holding people legally accountable for the harm they cause others and for undermining the security of the United States in the process. It is exactly the same issue with dispute over the Roxbury Mosque in Boston. Some shady white (Jewish) real estate dealers were furious that the black community benefited from this piece of land next to the subway station that they wanted to develop, so now they are engaging in extra-legal trickery and character assassination to try to get that piece of real estate away from the people who own it. Once the Palestinians get their land back and all the Zionist organizations' assets are confiscated to repair the damage they have done, then we can talk about whether or not "the Jewish People" have the right to "self-determination" in the form of an ethnocentric nation state.

I learned when I was a kid that the way to get self-determination - i.e., the ability to do what you want when you want how you want - is to behave yourself. The Jews are not behaving themselves, and there is nothing okay about it. When a Progressive Jew avoids discussion by whining, "You think I'm evil!!" he or she breaks the heart of the human being who is trying to have peace with this person. It ends all rational discussion. It ends all hope for peace.

Sometimes Palestinians find it easier to deal with right wing Zionists than left wing because at least they are honest. A Palestinian can say to a right wing Jew, "You stole my property." The right wing Jew will say, "Yeah, and what are you going to do about it? My religion says I can steal your property." Then the Muslim can with dignity say, "Well my religion says that God curses the man who puts another man out of his home, and that I have the right to fight you." That actually can be done in the context of a polite dialogue. A peace plan is even potentially possible. Because then the Jew can say, "Well, I don't want you to kill me and I can see why you would think that I deserved it, because if you did the same thing to me I would certainly kill you. So let's make a deal. I'll let you live in the garage." This is still insulting behavior, but it's in the process of becoming less sadistic.

On the other hand, if a Palestinian says to a Progressive Jew, "You stole my property!" the Progressive Jew will usually shut down entirely. I have seen a fifty year old man start crying and insisting he's not evil. This is the behavior of someone who is guilty as sin. Like when you accuse your husband of adultery and he starts guilt-tripping you about how you don't believe in him (hypothetical but common scenario).

The other reaction is to get maliciously angry and start doing character assassination via gossip so that none of the other Progressive Jews will greet that person who brought up the "touchy" subject. They will be told that this person is an "enemy of peace" - so that it will be politically correct to shun them the same way that we avoid eye contact with skinheads and Bible thumpers. Progressive Jews are the most amazingly idealistic people on the planet. They want to be able to continue to sit on someone else's stolen property (or at least vacation on it) and not only do they think they have a "right" to travel around unharmed, ride the buses, shop and eat pizza while the people they made homeless have no water or food - but they want their victims to LIKE them. The Jews are the only conquerors in the history of the planet that expected the conquered people to LIKE them! If they don't like us, we feel offended and outraged. And what Jews consider as "liking behavior" is never mentioning the property they stole.

I've discussed some of this with Avigail Abarbanel, an ex-Israeli psychiatrist in Australia. She views Zionism as a mental illness that can be treated. But Zionism is just a symptom of a deeper problem, the delusional belief that you have "rights" which do not exist. Like a kid thinking he has the right to hit his sister. It's a failure to apply the Golden Rule to one's personal sense of responsibility in certain situations. The inner conflict that arises from these "situational ethics" certainly does create a clinically diagnosable mental inability to process certain types of information that trigger the neurotic or sometimes even psychotic defensive reaction.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Israel, Jews are defensive in the sense that they cannot process the type of information that is necessary to create peaceful behaviors. For example, if a Jew and Palestinian live next door to each other in New Jersey, the Jew being the "owner" of a condo built on the Palestinian person's property, don't you think the Jew should offer to give it back, if he expects the other's friendship? If the Palestinian, as is normal, invites the Jew over for tea and politely doesn't bring up the subject, does the Jew feel that this means it's OK what he did? That he can forgive himself? That is what Jews want after all. We want to be forgiven without apology for everything we have done AND everything we are about to do.

Is this a rational approach to peace? Is it working?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Venom From The Babes Of Zion

Note: I'm not too sure if this person is just a long winded rhetorical imbecile, or if he is a dimwitted anti-semite who doesn't have a clue how Jooooo paranoid he is. I was wrong about him not publishing my comments, so he is at least a step above slug shit Mark Glenn. It is highly unlikely the 14 year old boy was anything but a shill. But what I know for sure is that Mark Glenn edits comments to suit his agenda, and mostly doesn't publish comments. I also know that he is allowing his 14 year old daughter to take credit for the Goldstein's article whether she wrote it or not. Either way, it is child abuse.

Venom from the Babes of Zion
April 17th, 2007
by pittershawnpalmer

This young person is 14 years old. If we weren’t sure before, we see without question now that there is a definitive hate within the zionist community for anyone who is a non-jew. It is mind boggling how the world cannot see this. People everywhere are truly asleep. I would venture to say they are catatonic.

See entire piece here:

Those Who Dare To Lecture Us
by Mark Glenn

…Other gems I have personally received from some of God’s chosen people, such as this one from a ‘nice Jewish boy’ named Ori who lives in Israel and who can be reached at–

“I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist, and I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world’s future super-power, Israel. Jews are superior to dirty-blooded non-Jews like you. While your ancestors were sleeping with the swine in the forests of Europe, my ancestors were building the city of Jerusalem. I am a Jew, you are not. I have the privilege of having god by my side, as well as the world’s supreme nation. Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious. I am only 14 years old, but I have enough wisdom to see that you are nothing but a piece of gentile filth. No matter, perhaps god will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so.”

Posted in the rabbit hole, articles, digging deep |
6 Responses to “Venom from the Babes of Zion”

1. The Atheist Jew Says:
April 18th, 2007 at 3:08 pm
That letter is not from a Jew. Just more BS coming from the Islamonazis.

Mark Glenn’s daughter at 14 has been brainwashed to hate. You should write a piece about her.
You probably won’t and you probably won’t publish this comment either.
You will take the cowardly approach, I’m almost sure.

2. pittershawn Says:
April 20th, 2007 at 1:48 pm
My dear Atheist Khazarian, it seems you have mistaken me for the angry and hateful people you associate with. The difference between you and I is that I am able to see the truth, even through those who are angry. Whereas you, all you see is what you want to see. And you see it clouded by bias and anger.

So let me see if I’ve got this right. Bare with me, because I may not get it right. As you would believe, I’m too biased to see the truth, right? But you, my dear, you are objective! Right?

Ok, based on YOUR words, it is IMPOSSIBLE for that note to be from a Jewish boy, but highly probable, if not most likely, that Mark’s daughter is hateful? Is that right? I don’t know here, maybe it’s my logic. Let me try that again for my own edification. The only possible scenario, in your estimation, because nothing else is at all possible, is that that letter was not from a Jewish kid, but Mark’s daughter is hateful.

Ok folks, is it me? Am I the only one who sees the glaring problem with this train of thought?

Khazarian, I would have had far more respect for your angry ramblings if you had given me a few other possible scenarios, such as:

1. That letter was from a Jewish kid, it was evil and self righteous, but Mark’s daughter has been equally venomous in her commentary, so that poor boy shouldn’t be the only one put on the block.

2. That letter probably was from a Jewish boy, but because of bias, you can’t admit to it, even though Mark’s daughter has done nothing or said nothing that was equally offensive (such as threaten or wish death upon all non-Jews).

3. That letter was probably from a Jewish boy, and Mark’s daughter is probably only angry as a response to the bad behavior she’s been observing in the Jewish community—specifically Zionist community.

4. That letter was not from a Jewish boy, and Mark’s daughter is also being framed by someone hateful, in an effort to make her look bad because of Mark’s commentaries. Hence, both of them are being wrongly accused because of a group’s agenda.

Now, if you had honestly had the above kind of discourse, with us hashing out all the OTHER logical possibilities, including admitting to your bias (and the fact that you really don’t want to believe that a Jewish boy could have written that), then I would have had more respect for what you had to write. Bet if that note was all sweet and flowery, you would have had no problem believing it was a Jewish boy, right?

But as it stands, it seems you are typical of most angry Khazarians, determined to spin life and situations only to your advantage, in an effort to make everyone else in the world look hateful except you and the rest of your converts; who, by the way, are only angry because you can’t cover up that fact any longer. What fact is that? That you are NOT the chosen people by birth, but a group who have taken on the religion in an effort to find what you did not have in your Khazarian Empire.

As for who is a coward, it seems people like you are the only cowards. Rather than openly doing your dirt, you will no doubt, like the coward you really are, send your cronies to pick me off in a most unusual manner. Tell me how you will get rid of me, Khazarian. A convenient car accident? A random robbery on the street, or a break in into my home by an armed gunman? Tell me Khazarian. You will find some doctor within my circle to give me something that will induce a heart attack, or some terminal illness. Oh wait, you will find a way to get people to believe I am someone who spits hate, and set up a showdown between me and your cronies. Or how about this one, you will plan for the next year to set it up so it looks like I committed suicide. Who will write my suicide note, you? Tell me my dear Atheist Khazarian, what cowardly method will you use to get rid of me and those like me who know the real deal about people like you.

There is only one saving grace…that all Jews are not like you. I THANK the universe that there are some good and decent Jews whom I’ve met, Orthodox and others, who have denounced people like you as Zionists with an agenda. It is these same exemplary and spiritually centered Jewish men and women who have made every effort not to desecrate the religion—and communicate kindly and peacefully. And it is them who are in the real struggle to bring all the hateful Jewish people in the world to the carpet. They are the only ones I will stand behind and struggle with. I share their voice of disappointment in those who have no respect for religion or human life and dignity.

I’m sure after this message, at some point before I reach 80 years old, you and your other angry Khazarian converts will find a way to neatly shut me up—that is what you do with all non-jews, no? Because YOU, my dear, are the cowards. You don’t want anyone to know that people like me are on to you. And now that I’ve put this out there, I’m sure if you don’t pick me off like an antelope, you will no doubt find other ways to destroy me—maybe financially, socially, pin me with a crime even (petty or major, doesn’t matter), nothing would surprise me at this point. And why? Because that is all you can do. You are spiritually powerless and spiritually dead, so you use the evil machinations of the world to ruin people by telling lies and being deceitful—and sometimes, using our human and insignificant imperfections against us by creating a mountain out of what usually would be dealt with without fanfare. You and those like you are dishonest.

I have no need to check to see if Mark’s daughter is taught hate, because if she in fact is, then you and that nice Jewish boy and her are all in for the same spiritual fate. Karma ignores no one.

I don’t have to agree with the method of delivery of every message, not even Mark’s, to see the value in it. And I respect Mark’s candor by the way. You should make attempts to be even remotely open in that regard—look beyond your evident bias. Bottom line, why didn’t you include in your message one of her notes of hate? You should have, because then your comment would have been better received. But you talk without producing anything. Produce it, and then we can have a constructive debate around the wrongs of children who hate. Then you and I can make an effort to share ideas on where the chasm is in this world between people of different faiths and belief systems. But you do not want that discussion. You want to leave empty notes that do nothing more than show your bias…. ‘a Jewish boy didn’t write that.’ Is that all? And you expect me to take you seriously when you are not grounded in logic? Just admit that you believe that because it was a Jewish boy attached to that message of hate, not because it is impossible. For all you know, one of your undercover family members wrote it and there would be no way for you to every know it. Maybe you wrote it and are too cowardly to admit that you believe everything written in that note.

Go on, cry anti-Semitism. It is your first recourse. But alas, I know this spin as well. What was the name of that gentleman who came up with that in the late 1800s? No matter. Bottom line, to be Semitic begins with language, my dear. There are several aub-groups of languages that fall under the afro-asiatic language group. One of those is the Semitic LANGUANGE. Under the Semitic languages are also several sub-groups of languages. One, out of about five or six groups (I might be off by one) happens to be Hebrew, of which there are about 5 million NATIVE speakers. The other Semitic language, which comprises nearly 400 million speakers is, you ready for this baby…ARABIC. What does that mean, you say? It means someone has been telling lies. Because it seems the largest group of Semitic speakers would be Arabs. Ah, but no one must know, right? You say, what does it matter? Big deal? My dear, it is a big deal, because that would mean the Jewish community is using a false notion to keep people from questioning any action they take in any circumstances. And why you say? Because people who have no behavior want desperately to cover their tracks. So when someone makes a statement about a HUMAN’s negative actions, THEY, certain hypocritical Jews, will have a crutch to say, it HAPPENS to be because they are Jewish, when in reality, it HAPPENS to be because that INDIVIDUAL is a bad person with no moral or spiritual standards.

All said, I have no use for people who are evil. I strive to learn all I can and grow from that. My first stopping point…HISTORY. My second stopping point, spirit.
3. The Atheist Jew Says:
April 25th, 2007 at 3:28 pm

You are wrong about making judgment of me based on edited comments by Mark Glenn.
You were just as wrong as assuming me to be a Khazar (which is just an uneducated assumption) as I was in not in at least allowing for the possibility that the 14 year old was a Jew. But I do know that Mark Glenn edits comments, and mostly doesn’t allow them to go through. I have them saved on cocomment. I am not lying about this. Mark Glenn is an anti-semitic (Jooo hating for the Webster impaired) piece of garbage. He does not allow for honest debate.
He has attacked Jews, not individually but collectively. And you still respect him? Either you are a hypocrite or a liar.
So don’t bother lecturing me, like your shit doesn’t stink.

Jews are not a race, but we are an ethnicity and/or a religion. Mark Glenn and Adolph Hitler have no problem identifying us as an ethnicity. And there was a recent where one third of Jewish females alive today trace back to 4 Jewish women of middle easter descent. Sure there have been conversions in and out of Judaism as well.

All I know is that if I were in Germany in 1939, Hitler and his buddies wouldn’t ask me if I believed in God or not.

And calling me sweetie is very immature.

I find you to be insincere for your respect of the garbage that is Mark Glenn, therefore you are not to be trusted. I would love to see your comments about his post about Judaism though. I want to see how you weasel out of it.
4. pittershawn Says:
April 25th, 2007 at 5:05 pm

You actually have some nerve. You spew hate on my blog, when all I did was point out the shortcomings of Zionists, NOT all Jews, and then you are upset that I defend what I posted? Who is the hypocrite here? You are the only hypocrite on this blog my dear.

As for Mark, I have not known him long enough to experience what you are claiming. So far, he has said nothing but, in what I’ve read to date (because I haven’t read all of his work) that is anything more than an attempt to point out the issues with Zionists, and, sometimes, Jews.

So for me to respect him, at this moment in time, is not hypocrisy. If I discover something later on that shows him to be utterly distasteful, then, and only then, will I amend my views. But at this point, YOU are the only one being disrespectful by coming on my blog and calling me coward and challenging me to post your comments like you are a five year old in a sandbox daring someone.

You are so incredibly self centered that you can’t see that YOU instigated my reply. I said NOTHING to YOU. I posted a blog. And instead of focusing your comments on the issue at hand, you attacked ME by calling ME a coward. You are the worst kind of hypocrite, one who suffers from selective memory.

Don’t presume to tell me what is mature or immature when you come on my blog calling me a coward. Sweetie? Sweetie is immature? And what is it to call someone a coward and play childish games by saying, ‘I bet you won’t post this.’ You sound like my daughters.

Insincere? You have done nothing to see if I am or not. I have not defended Mark on any of the things you’ve alleged he’s done. I can only take your word for it. But wait, let me guess. Because you are superior to me, YOUR word is gold, right? And your word is the only word I should believe, correct? Who is being insincere now?

Weasel?? There you go again being superior. There is no “weaseling” out of anything. But you wouldn’t know that. A recent study? From whom? Where? The typical biased resources? Look, forward me the information so I can also assess it for its worthiness. Oh but wait, I don’t need to, right? Because you are superior to me and what you tell me is all that matters, and all I can do is try to weasel out of it rather than have intelligent debate with you, or do research, or check history, or read a book, correct? Because I am not capable of intelligent debate, or the aforementioned, right?

There is an old African Proverb that reads: Until the lion writes his own story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.

You behave like a hunter who thinks that his story is all that matters, because that story glorifies YOU. Whereas objective people will listen to both stories and then seek out facts based on both arguments.

I must say, good for you that you’ve at LEAST admitted that being Jewish is not a race like so many of your predecessors would wrongly have many believe. That is a step in the right direction.

Look, once again, in this blog post, you expect me to bow to you after you disrespect me. See, the difference between you and I is that I would NEVER simply defend my culture, race, religion or ethnicity just because something grates against my sensibilities. But YOU, without knowing me, defend a possible comment from a Jewish boy, by virtue of the fact that it was from a Jewish boy. But you have YET to address my question, which was, what if the statement were all flowery and sweet? We would not even be having this silly back and forth, now would we?

You blindly defend. You have no discourse, just blind defense where you take it personally that I posted that. And then, you want to behave as though I am the stupid one. If you had simply said that you don’t think a Jewish boy wrote it, and in a level headed manner expressed your OPINION as to why, WITHOUT the attack that followed, then I would have been a bit more accepting.

As for the link you sent me to for Mark’s post, it seems you read with a closed mind and heart. I did not read anything that was not thoroughly reasoned out. His assessment clearly shows a HUGE divide in the way other religions are seen compared to Judaism. When people were disrespecting Islam based on a few radicals, NO ONE defended them. NO ONE in the news said that it was horrible and grossly disrespectful to their religion in general. But when even the smallest, most trivial thing is said about Judaism, heads role, people lose jobs, are killed, ostracized and called anti-Semites. Please. See, this is the reason I respect Mark’s comments. Because whether I agree or not, he has a DISCUSSION. He engages in well reasoned and logical dialogue. He carefully and meticulously shares his thoughts so any reasoned human being can see where he is coming from without even the slightest room for distortion. And he calls it as he sees it. No pretense.

However, some, whom I won’t name, will put on their dark shades, and decided that they will only see those things that grate at their nerves and go against their self righteous sensibilities.

See, the place where Mark and I differ is that I think ALL religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.) are the biggest problems in humanity (notice, I don’t BLINDLY defend Mark or anyone else I don’t know—I only base my thoughts on what I read, and I don’t attack him because we disagree on that point). It just so happens that he has eloquently shown how the OTHER religions are fair play for disrespectful media taunts and social disrespect. But NEVER Judaism. Break out the chopping block if someone had done what they did to the Islamic religion in that cartoon. You and I both know that heads would have ROLLED in America!

You KNOW it’s true. And you should stop denying it. It is your sense of privilege under the flag of Judaism why you feel free to say the things you say in the way that you say them. I would almost bet that is why you have not discarded it even though you are an atheist. It is a blanket of protection, because now, if anyone says anything about you, even if they don’t know you’re Jewish, you have the convenience of crying ANTI-SEMITISM, knowing that you would have the media at your feet, stroking your back and saying ‘poor baby, those bad anti-Semites, we’ll destroy them for you.’

And whether you wish to see it or not, people can feel the weight of privilege that surrounds Judaism. People are terrified in public to make any remarks about how Israelis are murdering the Palestinians. Or if they make a small mention of it, they stay away from generalizing and never say the Jews. But it is thick in the air, because who is running the Israeli government?—Japanese? Chinese? French???

Bottom line, what I read on Mark’s blog was far more objective, researched and observant than you saying, a jewish boy didn’t write that. I don’t agree with all his thoughts, particularly those that seem to elevate Christianity above Judaism, especially since Christianity has a horrible history as well. But for the most part, he makes sense, and what he says is true about the privilege that Judaism enjoys while desecrating other’s religions.

And people wonder why I opt for Buddhism.

Zealots really baffle me.
5. pittershawn Says:
April 25th, 2007 at 7:45 pm

Oh my! I forgot to mention one very important thing.

I did NOT judge you based on ANYTHING Mark posted or didn’t post. In fact, I had NO idea that you and he were having discourse until YOU mentioned it, in MY blog, by commenting that that wasn’t a Jewish boy who wrote that and bringing up Mark’s daughter in the process.

When I replied to you, I did not read ANYTHING about you and Mark (your comments to him or his to you). But again, that goes to show that you think I am influenced and couldn’t have possibly had a unique thought on my own—or like a sheep just follow blindly. You are so INCREDIBLY insulting and you can’t even see that. Were it not for you mentioning your discussion with Mark, I would still be clueless about them.

THEREFORE, my response and “judgment” of you was based SOLELY on your condescending response to my blog post. And then when I condescend back, you are pissed. Hypocrite.

You have no behavior and are so blinded by your anger that you can’t even have a civil debate.

ONE ADDITION: As for my assumption about you being of the Khazar line, actually, some assumptions in life can be made based on historical facts (which can be researched and easily produced) and scientific reasoning (which is how all theories are created), even if there are a few cases where it might not be so. But assumptions cannot be made based on NO information, such as the information I lack about Mark’s daughter, which you have yet to produce. Hence, my assumption about your blood line, even if wrong, is a more valid assumption (because I’ve done my research) than the assumptions you are asking me to make about Mark’s daughter, absent any information or research.
6. pittershawn Says:
April 25th, 2007 at 8:16 pm

It just occurred to me why you made that obvious and silly mistake of thinking I judged you based on Mark. I went back to read the post where I got the quote from.

When I first read that post, I did not know WHO he was discoursing with. You automatically made the assumption, by posting on MY blog, that I would know it was you he was talking about. Why on earth would you do something like that? Do you think you are so popular that I would just know who Mark was referring to? You obviously think I have nothing better to do than read and comment on the internecine warfare of bloggers all day.

Now THAT was a silly assumption, especially since I have never had discourse with you to connect the dots (I don’t go around memorizing everyone’s email address). It is only now that I am making the connection by going back to Mark’s blog. ONLY TODAY!!! And only based on your insane assumption that I judged you based on him.

Let me give you some insight. I NEVER have and NEVER will judge anyone based on what ANYONE tells me, or what I read someone sharing about a person. I always go to the source and read from the horses mouth and come to my own conclusions. So trust that anything I have commented on about you, is from me reading YOUR posts/comments and YOUR blog and, sadly, your comments on MY blog.
7. The Atheist Jew Says:
April 25th, 2007 at 8:43 pm

You are a long winded rhetorical know nothing. You know nothing about me. You know nothing about Jews. You don’t have a clue about what a Zionist is. And your Khazar rhetoric is laughable. The Khazar “history” you know about hardly exists in the magnitude you are accepting You are either wilfully ignorant or just an imbecile.

You have a lot of learning to do. It is obvious from reading your emails to me. You are next to clueless. But you don’t even realize it. I’ve spent enough time on email with you fool. And no, calling you a fool has nothing to do with “Jooooish superiority” It has to do with your ignorance.

You are free to engage in debate at either of my blogs
or here:

In fact, another imbecile brought up Khazars in the comments here:

Anyone who can defend Mark Glenn at all after reading his horseshit article about Joooish mentality has to be either a Jooo hater or mentally deficient. Which is it in your case? Actually just answer me on my blog. I’m done with this email nonsense on you. You don’t seem like you even want to learn.

Lets see if you have enough balls “sweetheart” to leave comments on my blogs.

Holocaust Education Kills

Note: Jooooo haters will go to great lengths pinning the horrific Virginia Tech shootings on the Joooos. This has to be the most ridiculous connection I've seen so far. This Piper guy has a radio show, and Mark Glenn is his buddy. Mark Glenn appears on his show frequently.
Of course, Piper also is convinced the Mossad murdered JFK. The guy is a true nutcase. And of course, he doesn't allow for comments on his blog. A true sign of defeat, humiliation and cowardice.

Holocaust Education KILLS! Ban Holocaust Education NOW–Before ANOTHER school shooting happens.

April 18, 2007
by Michael Collins Assmonkey Piper

Dr. Robert John and Dr. Phil Glidden, among other academics too numerous to mention, have come to the conclusion that so-called Holocaust Education in the public schools has led, in large degree, to the desensitization of American youth to violence.

After all, when kids are confronted, on a regular basis, with images of violence, pictures of stacks of dead people, images of bodies being bulldozed into pits, etc etc, how can they not help but become insensitive?

It’s funny that so many people talk about all of the violence in Hollywood films (and it’s there, to be sure) but our public (and private) schools are continuing shoving Holocaust Education down the throats of American kids: in the guidance classes, in their history classes, the list goes on and on.

I once knew of an American junior high English teacher—get this—who gave extra credit to a student who built a wood and plaster desk-top model of the Auschwitz work camp as part of a whole semester of readings on “the Holocaust” in her classes. Can you imagine such a thing?

Kids are exposed — under force and under penalty of academic disciplinary measures — to view ugly images of death and misery from World War II.

Now that’s a crime.

Anybody who teaches Holocaust Education (without looking at the other side and the criticisms of such teaching) should be arrested for child abuse and contributing to the delinquency of minors.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Judaism Is Nobody's Friend

Note: At least Mark Glenn infers that when most people say they are against Zionism, it is because of a hatred of Joooos. That being said, I think in most cases, if you substitute the word Muslim and Islam where Jooo and Zionism are, the article makes more sense.
Aside from that, this guy is a raving lunatic, frothing at the mouth, with absolutely no concept of the truth or reality.

The first half of the article is long winded and boring and could be reduced to one or two lines. The second half could be reduced to "I hate Joooos, and here are some reasons I've invented, waaaaaaaaaaaaaah." I fisked him already here.

Posted November 7,2006
By Mark Glenn

Let’s face it–the only reason we are allowed (not to mention willing) to talk about it these days is because it begins with the letter ‘z’ and not the letter ‘j’. That is the single barrier demarcating the two items–a simple issue of letters and pronunciation, despite the fact that they are basically the same animal. Stay within that safe ‘z’ zone and all will be relatively fine. You will be championed as a friend of humanity and a warrior for the truth. Venture into that other area though and bring up that dreaded ‘j’ word and suddenly the same ‘open-minded’ people who a moment before were erecting a monument in your honor start to loosen their collars and clear their throats uncomfortably.

‘Apples and oranges’ they say, or, as one apologist-minded writer on the internet once put it, ‘apples and rocks’ …Two entirely different creatures…One the lion and the other the lamb…black and white…good and evil…love and hatred…

Oh, if only it were as simple as that. If only we could take things at face value and not have to go any deeper. If only the bad guys could ‘play fair’ as it were and dress in black all the time while the good guys dressed in white…What a wonderful world, as the old song goes.

Unfortunately though it is not as simple as that. Unfortunately the bad guys are a lot smarter than they are given credit for being and know that victory is much easier achieved by deceiving their opponents than by fighting them on a level playing field. They have no place in their vocabulary for words like ‘fair’, ‘honesty’ or ‘justice‘. As far as they are concerned, there is only one rule that applies when playing the game and that is to win at any cost.

And so with these things in mind, let’s not spend too much time celebrating this non-existent victory for free speech and intellectual liberty. Nor should we be strutting around like some kid who thinks he just scared off the schoolyard bully when in truth Bruiser just had better things to do that day besides beating him up. As seemingly bold and brash as we may envision ourselves being these days for daring to speak unfavorably about the same ‘z’ word that has been kept sacrosanct for some 50 years, the truth is that doing such nowadays does not carry the same kind of penalties that it used to. What used to be a capital offense has now been downgraded to a class b misdemeanor. Now it is like taunting a lion that is safely behind metal bars–it may snarl a bit, swipe its paws here and there, but in truth there is no real danger associated with it.

Nor should we get too enthusiastic about how it at least appears as if the rules of debate are relaxing. The other side is not as frightened as they may appear to be. We don’t have them ‘running scared’ as much as we might like to think, and we can dismiss the idea that they are ‘coming around‘ to our way of thinking. They are just as haughty, just as heartless, just as arrogant and unconcerned with others’ well-being as were their murderous forefathers once called ‘children of the Devil’ by one well-known man from Nazareth.

No, the truth is that we are allowed to discuss the ‘z’ word because doing such poses no real danger to the overall agenda. As much as there are those who hate to hear it, the fact is that our being allowed to notch up the rhetoric to the next level is a feint and a maneuver on that part of our enemies. It is the sacrificing of some important piece in a chess game so that the King can escape from what is an assured checkmate. It is a way of releasing steam so that the kettle does not blow and a controlled demolition of sorts–very dramatic in its appearance but which has completely predictable results in the end, not the least of which is that the risk of damage to surrounding real estate is minimized. Them permitting us to speak somewhat openly about the ‘z’ word is part of this thing known as ‘preventative maintenance’ and not unlike what takes place every few years when members of an unhappy electorate decide they are ‘mad as hell and won’t take anymore’ and who then replace one corrupt politician with his twin. It is a fixed race, and no matter who comes out on top, ‘they’ come out on top, a case of Heads, we win, tails you lose.

So for now, let’s just put away the champagne and party hats. It ain’t over yet folks, nowhere’s near to being over, and as much as we would all love to declare victory and go home, doing so would be an unprecedented disaster…

…Remember, no one ever killed a snake by cutting off its tail.

I must admit though that it is a very tempting proposition, the business of simply stopping at the one and of going no further. After all, it’s not as if the one with the ’z’ in the first part of its name–meaning Zionism–hasn’t given us plenty to talk about for the next umpteen number of centuries. As far as evil goes, it certainly suffices as a real-life, genuine, fire-breathing dragon. The images it has brought before humanity to consider have certainly been extreme enough to generate ample discussion–tanks…bombs…innocent children with their brains or guts blown out all over the place…Parents wearing a mask of sheer agony as they embrace the remains of what was a son or daughter given to them as a gift from God…the snide, callous remarks of those who perpetrated these crimes and who snicker without remorse and say in effect ‘Big deal…Who gives a shit?’…

And so, I can understand why there are those who do not see any reason in going further in this discussion. I understand their reticence. I understand their reasons for asking in effect ‘Isn’t the one enough? Isn’t it satisfactory to simply say that what has been taking place with regards to this little experiment in methodical terrorism known as the state of Israel is bad? Don’t the visible effects of it suffice in our understanding of what the bigger picture is?’

Unfortunately, the problem is that (as well-intentioned as individuals may be with such statements) the answer is a definitive ’No, it is not enough‘. It certainly is a good start, but in reality that is all that it is–a start. Remember, anything can be started. What counts is whether or not something gets finished as well as how it gets finished. It’s like a person acknowledging that he or she has a serious weight problem and who says with a voice seemingly full of conviction ‘I’ve got to get this thing under control’ while reaching into the cupboard for another box of Twinkies. Talk is cheap, as the saying goes.

Therefore, with regards to the current goings on in the Middle East (and in particular Israel) it is easy to say such things about Zionism these days. They are obvious. The cold, hard realities of what is taking place in the land that was once called home by Jesus of Nazareth are right in our faces and not as easy to ignore as they were in years past. Now the ‘elephant in the room’ that was cute when it was a baby has grown to maturity and is not as cuddly. Now it is dangerous and quite mad and impossible to tame. What began as a fight between 2 relatively small entities has now dragged a billion Muslims and a billion Christians into its orbit, and it hasn‘t really even begun yet.

And so, making statements depicting what is the organic ugliness of Zionism is tantamount to saying ‘Lung cancer is a bad thing’ but then going no further. Of course Zionism (and more importantly, its physical evidence) is ugly. This is a no-brainer and something that all of us in the Christian West should have figured out 50 years ago when the innocent victims of this vicious animal came forth bringing vivid descriptions of what they had experienced first-hand. One would have to do some serious mental and moral summersaults to avoid arriving at the conclusion that Zionism is bad thing. And just in case we suffered from a certain sense of unwarranted skepticism when it came to listening to their stories, then some of the utterances slithering forth from the mouths of the Zionist leaders themselves should have removed any lingering doubts. Describing Arabs–whether Christian or Muslim– as ‘cockroaches’ and ‘beasts walking on two legs’ and in general reducing Zionism’s would-be victims to some level of sub-humanity should have been an indication to the rest of the world that this whole business was not something rooted in anything good or humanitarian.

The reason why condemning only Zionism (and then stopping short of going any further) is not enough is that–as hideous as it is and as much as it may be directly related to the problems the world is facing today–in truth Zionism is only a by-product of something else. Yes, that’s right folks, as ugly as it is, it has an even uglier side to it, hard-to-believe as that may be. If Zionism is Godzilla, then imagine Godzilla on steroids and in a really bad mood from a splitting headache. Zionism is a side-effect. It is not the action but rather the reaction. Not the tree, but rather the fruit that the tree produces. Contrary to what the gatekeepers would like us to believe, Zionism did not spring forth out of nowhere. It was not just some ideological pimple that erupted without warning. It, like all cancers, has a cause, and a very definite, easily-definable one at that and which has been around for quite some time.

And this is where things get hairy and people start to get uncomfortable. You see, criticizing Zionism is safe these days (relative to previous times) because it appears to be merely political, and by definition that makes it fair game for examination and criticism. These days, given the fact that the ‘war to end all wars’ is in full swing and not as easy to spin as other wars have been in previous times, Zionism has fallen into that category of other ‘isms‘ that are political in nature and that have been used as punching bags for many years. Now it is almost as fashionable to condemn Zionism as it has been to condemn some of its ugly siblings, including fascism, communism, socialism, Nazism, and now, lest we forget, terrorism. ‘Political’ means that it falls within the category of ‘business’ rather than personal and where one can expect that a lot of mud gets thrown around. Criticizing people’s political ideas–as heated as they may get–do not necessarily attack the person per se.

Religion is another matter however. In a society where there is at least the appearance of tolerance for other religions–of ‘being fair’ and of not playing favorites–criticizing another person’s relationship with the omnipotent being who created him or her is off-limits in a certain sense. It is not something that takes place in the ‘polite’ and ‘enlightened’ societies of the West. We are supposed to have gotten past all that and figured out how to live in peace with each other and to live by the ‘golden rule’ as it pertains to another’s manner of communing with his creator. Saying something critical about another person’s religion is considered crass and uncouth and as equally rude as remarking that another person’s kids are ugly or saying something nasty about someone’s mother. It is too much. It goes too far and is too personal. It cuts right to the heart of that individual‘s identity, and no matter how much you may not like someone, no one wants to be mean to kids or to moms.

And the truth is, I can truck with this to a certain degree, despite the fact that I have some pretty strong opinions concerning issues of right and wrong and who I envision the captain of the universe as being. For simple reasons of practicality I can see why people avoid getting into hair-splitting discussions about religion, and particularly in the midst of some crisis such as what’s taking place right now. Dogmatic arguments (that oftentimes when boiled down are nothing more than 6 of one vs. half a dozen of the other) go nowhere and produce nothing but noise when there are more important matters that need tending. It is like getting into a knock-down-drag-out concerning the right color of paint to use on the house when it is going up in flames. As far as I am concerned, if I can agree with another person that there are certain things such as murder, rape, theft, and lying that fall within the category of being morally unacceptable, I can get along with such persons, at least for the time being.

But what we have to keep in mind is that these days we don’t live as much in one of those ‘polite’ societies as we might like to think. The ‘appearance’ of being tolerant of other religions and of being ‘fair’ and of ‘not playing favorites’ is only an appearance and nothing more. The truth be told, this unspoken rule of religion being ‘off-limits’ for discussion or criticism is only sparingly applied and in a very finite and discriminating manner.

Anyone paying attention to what is going on these days knows that certain religions are not just fair game for tarring and feathering, but rather that an open season has been declared on them with neither bag limits nor penalties for poaching. Islam has been painted as being ‘this’ and ‘that’ for several years since the ’war against terror’ (i.e. the war on Islam) began. Defamatory cartoons are published in newspaper chains around the world and done so for deliberate reasons of provocation. The Koran is misquoted or else lied about out-rightly and news stories depicting the manner by which it was flushed down the toilet in American POW camps are made headline news.

Standing next in line are all branches of Christianity that have been made the centerpieces of a non-stop vaudeville/slapstick comedy-number now on a daily basis for decades, and of those various branches, Catholicism more than any other. Not just the religions themselves, but the individuals around whom the religion itself is based are defamed and degraded–including Jesus, his mother Mary, Mohammed or whoever–without any thought as to who might be offended.


We do find–purely by coincidence, I am quite sure–that a certain amount of ‘polite’ censorship still exists when it comes to that other Middle-Eastern religion that is at the center of so many things going on today. We see quite a few people taking the ‘high road’ and showing respect (fear) for other peoples’ ‘feelings’ and going to ridiculous lengths in living by that ‘golden rule’ of tolerance when it comes to the other guy in the line-up.

But before going any further, we need to fine-tune a few of the definitions we are going to be using in this discussion. It is not just ‘tolerance’ that this particular religion seems to enjoy from the rest of us, but rather preference. It is treated with the same kind of delicate, cautious concern that is usually reserved for an endangered species of some type. It is never manhandled or pushed around but rather is always managed as if it were TNT and would explode if handled too roughly. It is the only one that is not fair game and which is never the butt of daily jokes, or at least not in the West. You stand a better chance of being kidnapped by a race of space aliens and whisked off to their planet to be made king for life than you would see this religion defamed in the same way as takes place with Christianity and Islam.

Rather, in this ‘fair and unbiased’ world today, it gets top-billing in terms of reverential programs on TV. Movies such as ‘The Ten Commandments’ are aired year-after-year at religiously predictable times and never at some obscure hour where they have to compete with things like ‘George Thurman’s Super-Grill’ infomercials. You will never see one of its religious leaders (or even one of its laymen for that matter) presented in a cynical, comical or diabolical manner as you might a priest, preacher or imam. Its followers are always the salt of the earth, never a blemish on their moral countenance or a bruised character, intelligent, soft-spoken, trustworthy, reliable, funny, lovable and as honest-as-the-day-is-long…

No, I am not talking about any of the old guys on the mantle such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, or Animism, nor any of the new punks who have come around in recent decades such as Materialism, Consumerism or Pamela Andersonism. It’s that other one, and you know what I am talking about here so quit playing dumb.

We all know what the score is…There is no reason to wait around for the blank of this fill-in-the-blank exercise to be filled in. It’s as obvious as the ‘elephant in the room’ that was mentioned previously. It’s name is whispered with the same kind of quiet, timid respect that people used to employ when talking about the ‘Syndicate’ or the ‘Black Hand’ nearly a century ago. It is the most exclusive, the most clannish, the most discriminating of all religions when it comes to dealing with others on an eye-to-eye/man-to-man business, and it’s name is Judaism.

‘Oh, right, that one’ they say, as if it weren’t as obvious as the odor emanating from an over-used public outhouse in mid-July. Yes, that’s right, I did say ‘Judaism’ and not Zionism. No, I did not mispronounce anything. It was not a slip of the tongue. I meant exactly what I said–the dreaded ‘j’ word that no one wants to mention…that ‘thing’ that causes people’s hearts to race and their eyes to dart from side-to-side and that causes them to run for cover and find something heavy to which they can anchor themselves when mentioned…. Judaism, the thing that separates those who are ‘God’s chosen people’ from the rest of the ‘Goyim‘…The religion of the tribe of Judah that is said to be the basis of Western Civilization…The thing that brought monotheism, the Ten Commandments and, as we are told on a minute-by-minute basis these days, Christianity…

And since we have now established that indeed there is no equity in this discussion involving religion and that a system of obvious favorites is unquestioningly in operation, let’s just drop this ‘we really should do the polite thing and keep people‘s religious views out of the equation when discussing world issues’ business. Everyone knows that doing so is a farce. It’s like getting into the boxing ring with an opponent who breaks every rule that the referee has laid down while you are trying to play fair by neither biting nor hitting below the belt. No one takes the feelings of Muslims or Christians into consideration these days when it comes to ‘laying it all out in the open’ and not even when the combined numbers of these people make up almost ½ of the world’s population. At best the Jews (most of whom are not religious anyway, short of prostrating themselves before the strange gods of money, comfort, and political power) make up a few tens of millions, and yet we are supposed to treat the whole subject of their ‘religion’ as if it were some kind of precious gem of incalculable monetary value? This is ‘fair and balanced’? This is freedom of speech and freedom of thought?

Give me just a small break, if you would please.

Worrying about ‘hurting people’s feelings’ is not good enough anymore, if indeed it ever was. People are dying left and right and the life of every human being on the planet has been put in real, direct danger because of this over-blown/out-of-proportion concern over one group’s ‘feelings’. One group–one–and a tiny one at that. All traffic on a 4-lane metropolitan highway that has been brought to a screeching halt and all because of some tiny, eensy-weensy mouse that has decided to build a nest there. There is no fair play in any of it and no intellectual honesty. While the rest of us–for reasons of simple respect–honor the ‘no hitting below the belt’ rule when it comes to the discussion of metaphysics, a certain minority of people who have the lion’s share of media, political and economic power do not, and since they do not, why then should the rest of us?

This having been said, let’s just lay it all out on the table and let the chips fall where they may. What have we got to lose, after all? Are we worried about making them mad? They already are mad, and I don’t just mean in the commonly-used manner indicating ‘unhappy’. Are we concerned that with the amount of power they possess that somehow God’s chosen people might do something to make life uncomfortable for us? That they might start a war?

Wake up and smell the Knishes, my friends, Judaism has been at war with us for over 2,000 years, ever since this man named Jesus of Nazareth came and blew the lid open on what Judaism‘s real agenda was. Judaism is a declaration of war and manifested by thousands upon thousands of acts of intentional malice directed by Rabbinical generals against the rest within the non-Jewish world in matters involving money, business, politics, and culture. For those of us in the Christian world who seem to have forgotten, it would be wise to remember that it was our forefathers who were being hunted down, imprisoned, tortured and killed for the crime of abandoning the ‘wise council’ of the tribal leaders known as the Pharisees and for daring to follow that ‘other guy’ who preached a message of complete contradiction to Judaism, and it is a situation that has not changed a bit since that time.

Besides, if wanting to avoid a war is the reason for side-stepping this uncomfortable discussion then we are ‘big-time’ wasting our time. Armageddon is not only a done deal, it is well on its way to being an heirloom that will be passed down generation after generation after generation. Our kids and grandkids will be dealing with it in a way that we cannot even begin to imagine. Because of the fact that we have spent so much time wet-nursing the egos of one small minority of people who are said to have had a rough time during WWII we have allowed WWIII to be born. Because of our fear of the Jews we will be sacrificing our life’s blood and that of our children for generations to come.

Therefore, let us say plainly then what it is that needs to be said but which most people are afraid to state out loud. Let us finally acknowledge the fly in the ointment and not pretend anymore that there isn’t the smell of something rotten in the air that it is making life on earth as it presently exists an unbearable situation.

Relax, take a deep breath…We can discuss this…We are all big boys and big girls and we can handle the truth, as ugly as it may be. Besides, now is not the time for us to lose our composure. This discussion of Judaism getting preferential treatment is small potatoes within the context of the larger argument that must take place and will. It is just the first birth pang of what is sure to be doozey of a labor, and there is no avoiding it. This thing known as the truth has got to be born or we are all dead.

And with that in mind, grab onto something and brace yourself for the next wave of contractions…

‘Judaism is nobody’s friend’

There, I said it and it can’t be undone. It is out there for everyone to see in all its naked truth. There is no taking it back, and why should we? If we truly entertain the notion of dealing with these problems in a realistic way, then that means boarding that shuttle bus bound for the Hotel Reality.

That’s right, JUDAISM is nobody’s friend, not ‘ZIONISM is nobody’s friend’, like the essay that bounced all over the internet for months and which caused people to go absolutely gaga because of its ‘gut-wrenching bravery’. As we said before, a good number of people already know (or are coming to know) that Zionism is nobody’s friend, that is obvious. It is JUDAISM that is the real problem. J-U-D-A-I-S-M, the tree from which Zionism sprung forth, the seedling that has brought the world to the brink of extinction. JUDAISM, the cancer that is eating the body away and left it a skeletonized hull of what it once was. JUDAISM, the root of all mankind’s present evils, and if not all of them, then what is certainly an impressive number.

I realize that hearing such unflattering things about the religion of God’s favorite children will come as a shock to a large number of people, and particularly amongst gullible propagandized Christians who are waiting to cash in on their divine pension plan known as the Rapture. Given the fact that God’s chosen religion seems to win hands down in every beauty contest taking place today, it is easy to see why there will be those who will swallow their tongues when such unflattering things are said. There are two things I will say in my defense though, the first of which is that these are not my words, but rather the words of the man I most admire and revere, meaning Jesus of Nazareth. The other is that there is only one thing that is truly sacred and beautiful in this fallen world, and that is the truth and even when it is at its ugliest…

Keep in mind that a good portion of this thing we call ‘human progress’ has been realized because people decided to abandon the fiat currency of fairy tales and decided instead to conduct their business transactions with the refined gold of truth. Once upon a time–many, many moons ago–people chose to venture into the dangerous intellectual territory that the earth might be round instead of flat. They stopped using leeches to cure people and they declared a moratorium on burning women at the stake when these poor creatures suffered from mood swings due to PMS.

And with this in mind, I say that it is high-time we got a second opinion about this little tribal cult known as Judaism whose heavy hand is at the center of so much of what is going on in our world today. It is time we took a second look at the idols on the mantle that we have been forbidden to touch, or for that matter, even examine up close. What are the guardians of these strange gods afraid of? Are they afraid that some of the gold paint with which they have been covered will come off in our hands and that we will be left with the inescapable conclusion that they are all willing conspirators in a massive fraud? Why are we permitted to ask all sorts of questions concerning other faiths such as Christianity and Islam but yet we are not even allowed to glance curiously at Judaism? If the guardians of public discourse are as devoted to free speech and free inquiry as they say they are (and particularly when a new ‘discussion’ has begun suggesting that Jesus was gay or that Mohammed was a violent pedophile) then why do they suddenly become such fans of censorship when it comes to asking questions about the religion of the Jews? While there is time, let us re-consider the holiness of that sacred cow we have been forbidden to eat, and particularly when we all stand a good chance of starving to death for want of the truth. What have we got to lose? Our freedom? It’s gone anyway. Our wealth?–dittos. Our peace and prosperity?…

All we have to lose by doing this is our own state of delusion as well as a mountain of present and future misery that even the imaginative genius of Stephen King couldn’t conjure up.

Judaism is nobody’s friend, short of those few who profit from it, and they are certainly small in number, as we have already discussed. Whether these people are one of ‘God’s chosen’ who do the bidding of their overlord Rabbis or whether they are one of those lowly Gentile types who were created for the purpose of serving ‘God‘s chosen’, it is the same–Judaism is not their friend. It works to no one’s real benefit, short of those at the top who are giving the marching orders. It does not belong in the same class with other faiths dedicated to improving the individual and making him or her more pleasing to the one responsible for all creation. It does not make people better, it makes them worse. It is like a highly radioactive element that can bring nothing but sickness and eventual death. It does not bring liberation but rather enslavement. It does not foster humility (the first step in breaking down the spirit of haughtiness that impedes the reform of the person) but rather feeds the ego. It is not about God, right vs. wrong, or the ‘thou shalts’ and ‘thou shalt nots’ in a general sense.

Notice, it is not called ‘Yahwehism, ‘Jehovaism‘, ‘God-Ism’ , ‘Moral Behaviorism’ or even ‘Old Testamentism‘, but rather ‘Judah-ism‘. It’s primary concern is with the tribe of Judah and those who make up the tribe, meaning the Jews. It is ‘their baby’ and the goose that laid the golden egg. It is a winning lottery ticket that never expires, their ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card and their Genie in a bottle that grants them every material, monetary and political wish. It is like a highway with no speed limits nor guard rails and where there are no rules. This is why we find that in Judaism’s rule book–meaning the Talmud–that everything is geared towards what benefits the tribe, and in particular, the rabbis who ‘cannot be punished with Hell’ and before whose writings and sayings ‘God stands in awe’. It is not as much concerned with bringing the soul to the paradise of the next world it is concerned with making a paradise of this one, the rights and well-being of non-Jews be damned in the process.

While the other two Middle Eastern faiths that are Judaism’s organic enemies–meaning Christianity and Islam–elevate the virtues of humility, charity and righteousness, Judaism not only elevates, but institutionalizes and legislates the vices of haughtiness, supremacism and callous disregard for other human beings. It is the codified mindset of mankind’s first murderer, Cain, who slew his brother Abel over reasons of envy and economics. Gentiles exist to serve the Jews. Rape of gentile children, murder, lying, theft, usury, all these things that have been condemned in every other religion around the world are given full sanction in Judaism when it benefits the tribe.

Those who are the beneficiaries of this syndicate may scream and holler about these statements all they want, but in the final analysis, ‘facts are facts,’ just as ex-slave to the Judaic mindset Benjamin Freedman once wrote. Thanks to–not only men such as he but to others as well–the cat is out of the bag for everyone to see. The testimonies of men such as Freedman, Shahak, Vanunu and many others has been the equivalent of Joseph Vallachi’s testimony before the US Congress concerning the inner workings of the Mafia. Now the perfume that has been used to hide the stink of the Judaic agenda is no longer powerful enough, and the mascara has become equally inefficient as well.

What’s that, you say? Judaism is the basis of Western Civilization and Christianity? Humanity owes a great deal to this religion for getting the rest of us ’back on track’ when it comes to what the Almighty expects from us? That it is the intellectual basis for all the progress and freedom of the Western world?

Bull biscuits. Judaism is no such thing. The creed of the Pharisees is backwards and superstitious and totalitarian all the way to its core, something that this man named Jesus of Nazareth tried to tell us. Putting Judaism in the same class with other religions whose aim is progress and the betterment of man’s corrupt nature is like saying that battery acid makes a good mouthwash. Trying to credit Judaism with all of the accomplishments that have contributed to the betterment of mankind and his human condition is like this friend of mine who actually claims that the reason he is as healthy as a horse is because he has smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years. Judaism has brought nothing of any good to mankind. It is a culture of death, a collection of ‘white-washed tombs, full of dead men’s bones’ just as Jesus described it. It is a den of vipers and a hangout for thieves, liars and murderers. It has been a source of misery for more people than God himself can count. If there is any correlation that can be drawn between the religion of the Pharisees and the enlightenment of mankind, it is that all of the things associated with this enlightenment have been achieved in spite of Judaism’s aims at preventing them or at tearing them down.

Let’s see a show of hands here–Does anyone in the room remember that little thing known as the Crucifixion of Jesus? How about the stoning to death of Stephen and the murders of Peter and Paul? How about the scapegoating of the Christians after Rome was burned? Judaism’s involvement in WWI and WWII? Bolshevism? The destruction of the moral, political and economic fiber of every country in the West? Hundreds of millions of dead children through abortion? The destruction of families and the elevation of sexual deviancy as a virtue?

…and of course, last but certainly not least, the war to end all wars that is taking place in the Middle East and which bears the fingerprints of the Pharisees all over it.

As far as Christianity is concerned, it was obvious that Jesus Christ was as interested in the haughty, elitist, immoral and callous tenets of Judaism as Judaism was interested in His message of humility, righteousness, and charity. This is the reason why Judaism put Christ to death 2,000 years ago and why it continues to gloat over his ignominious end to this day. If indeed Christianity sprang forth from Judaism, why then does Judaism maintain to this very microsecond that Jesus was a sorcerer and a sexual deviant who suffers in hell by being boiled in a caldron of semen and feces for daring to oppose the Rabbis and that His holy mother Miriam was a ‘harlot who mated with carpenters’ ?

And yet, we are supposed to believe that Christianity sprang forth from Judaism? That the wonderful fruit of Christ’s teachings were plucked from the poisonous, thorny tree of Judaism? If indeed the apple does not fall far from the tree as the old saying goes, then there is no way that a rational person can make such claims concerning the supposed friendship that exists between these two creatures. It is all another ruse to get Christians to fight Judaism’s wars on the pretext that somehow the peoples of the two faiths share something in common with each other when in truth they do not.

All of these and many, many more are just a small part of Judaism’s score card. These are just some of the testimonials to Judaism’s affections–not only for Christianity and the civilization that it created–but for any rival ideology, including that of Islam. Judaism is not about fair play, it is about winning, and at all costs.

‘But wait’ they interject. ‘My neighbor is Jewish, and he doesn’t treat me like a lesser being. In fact, I know a lot of Jews who are good, upstanding people…’

…And of course, the often-heard ‘I am Jewish and I never ran into any of these supposed teachings of the Talmud’…

I do not doubt that this is indeed the case. I know many such persons myself, people who are as much victims of the scheming and plotting of the Judaic priesthood as everyone else.

But what we have to keep in mind is that they are good people in spite of the fact that they were raised as Jews. They are good people because of the fact that they chose to retain their humanity despite the best efforts of their rabbis and other leaders to rob them of it. They chose to follow the laws of God rather than the laws of men, because in Judaism, the Rabbis are God and to disobey them is to disobey Him. It’s like a person being raised in a household whose father is an avowed racist and card-carrying member of the KKK and yet this person does not grow up hating blacks. If such people calling themselves Jews today are decent and who do not submit themselves to the racist, immoral teachings of their Talmudic rabbis, then it speaks more to their own personal strength of character than it does to the beneficial attributes of Judaism itself. It’s like that friend of mine I mentioned previously who has been smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day for the last 40 years and he is seemingly as healthy as a horse, or at least he is now as we speak. He should have been dead a long time ago.

And as far as the average Jew being exposed to the teachings of the Talmud, it should be obvious why the Rabbis would not want such a thing taking place. There is an old saying that ‘3 people can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead,’ meaning that conspiracies oftentimes fall apart because of someone’s big mouth. The more moving parts there are to a machine the more susceptible it is to breakdown. It is highly likely that if the average Jew were schooled in the Talmud and its criminal agenda that such persons–for no other reason than fear for their own lives–would have nothing to do with implementing the agenda of their leaders, and thus the Jewish agenda would be like a Man-O-War at sea with no sails, no ors and no gunpowder.

But all of this is part of what we are not allowed to discuss. Out of ‘respect’ for another person’s religion we are supposed to only focus on the physical aspects of the things taking place before our eyes today–meaning the deeds of Zionism–but not ask questions about the causes of them, meaning Judaism. We are supposed to buy into the line of reasoning that says that Zionism just ‘popped up’ out of nowhere or that it is Judaism that went haywire…

…as if we were too stupid to see the obvious.

Judaism hasn’t gone haywire nor has it blown a gasket. It hasn’t ‘morphed’ from a beautiful, harmless butterfly into a vicious, pitiless creature that would devour you in a minute. Judaism (and more importantly, its teeth, meaning Zionism) is doing exactly what it is supposed to do by its nature. It is a predatory way of thinking and this means that it will behave in predatory ways. Those who are trying to say that the ugliness of things taking place today have nothing to do with the holy religion of Judaism are trying to make an argument similar to those who would argue that smoking has nothing to do with lung cancer.

Of course, those whose job it is to manage the flow of information and who are running their own little protection rackets and who make arguments such as these know these facts all too well. They knew a long time ago–or at least they suspected–that the day would come when people would get sick of all the bloodshed and turmoil and would then begin questioning how it all came about. They knew that there was a timetable to their being able to keep a lid on what was happening in places such as Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and the rest of the Middle East that organized Jewry has eyed with a covetous gaze since before Israel was created in 1948. This is why ‘Plan B’ was put on the shelf for later use.

‘Plan A’ of course was to deny the existence of the racist, haughty, bloodthirsty character of this thing known as Zionism and its demon-child–meaning Israel–as long as possible, and when it became something that was impossible to deny anymore, admit to it and allow it to be discussed…CAREFULLY. Let the people blow off some steam…CAUTIOUSLY. Throw the blame for all the turmoil on some nebulous, new-born political ideology that was born in the late 19th century…

…just make sure the discussion remains in that safe territory where only this thing known as Zionism is discussed, and above all, make sure that the real source of all the turmoil never sees the light of day, meaning this thing known as Judaism…

And so, this is why we have this flurry of individuals coming forth from the Judaic community voicing their opposition to Zionism and its aims–AND BEING PERMITTED TO DO SO, WHEN IN YEARS PAST THEY WOULD BE CASITGATED AND TREATED AS TRAITORS. Whether their names are Finkelstein, Lowenstein or Chomsky or whether they have banded together in groups such as Neturei Karta or ‘Jews Not Zionists’, the reasons are the same, which is to throw sand into the eyes of those who are now beginning to see that all is not Kosher with the world, or rather that all is Kosher, depending on how things are viewed and understood.

Is this something being consciously done by those who are the voices of ‘peace and reason’ from the Judaic community? I don’t know and won’t speculate. I certainly hope for their sake that they mean what they say. I can’t imagine a more miserable existence than living without a conscience and not being able to feel compassion for the suffering of innocent others. What could be a more hellish prison than being robbed of the life-saving salves of humility and righteousness, the same divine qualities of the human spirit that Judaism devours as if it were a cancer?

I know this is not what people want to hear, and believe me, as much as they don’t like hearing it, I don’t like saying it. I too was encouraged when I first encountered these individuals coming forth and daring to possess a conscience of sorts and to speak out against the tribe. I thought there was hope that a person could be raised in the corrupting, corrosive environment of Judaic thinking and still retain his or her humanity. And I still hope against hope that it is possible, and if these individuals are genuine, then God bless them.

But it still doesn’t change certain facts, now does it? Judaism is nobody’s friend, and if we assume for the moment that these people–the ‘anti-Zionist Jewish types’ really are who they say they are and that by some miracle they have retained their objective sense of right and wrong after being raised in the moral sewer known as the synagogue, that still does not mean that Judaism has passed the sniff test.

‘But wait,’ they interject in one last attempt at shielding the beast, those who act as gatekeepers in this discussion. ‘Israel started with Zionism. It was founded on it. Without Zionism Israel would not exist. If we can just do away with Zionism we will do away with Israel and then everything will be okay and there will be peace…’

And again, it is a very thing tempting to ‘go there’. I dream of the day when there is no Israel and it has been ‘wiped off of the map’ as the President of Iran once noted. No more dead Palestinians and Iraqis. The western world going about its business of implementing the principles taught by its founder, jesus of Nazareth. No threat of nuclear holocaust and our children sleeping safely at night with a veritable future ahead of them…

The problem, again, is this thing known as the Hotel Reality. If we–by some miracle–were able to get rid of this thing known as Zionism as well as it’s physical manifestation–meaning the state of Israel, it would all be back in due time. We would only get a small respite, but it wouldn’t be gone for good. Like carving out a section of a cancer-riddled lung, all you are doing is buying time if you don’t quit smoking, and that is because the thing that caused this cancer in the first place has remained in tact, and it is that ‘thing’ known as Judaism.

Israel exists for one purpose and one purpose only, which is to function as a hideout for those who live in the same state of perpetual war against everyone else that Judaism dictates. The situation is like this greedy, lying, conniving sissy (whom we have all known at some point in our lives) who steals people’s lunch money (usually by swindling them) and then when he is about to get clobbered for it, runs home to the protective arms of coddling parents who have never disciplined him a day in his life and who will not even ask questions as to what all the hubbub is about.

Judaism is nobody’s friend, and the sooner that the rest of us–Jew and non-Jew alike–come to realize this, the better off we will be. Get rid of it. It is a cancer. Cut is out and throw it away, as Jesus instructed that we do. It has never and will never be of any benefit to mankind. We cannot live in any kind of ‘peaceful co-existence’ with it. It is a declaration of war, and as long as it exists out there, mankind will never have peace.

2006 by Mark Glenn

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Note: Here is how a Judeophobe deals with the fact that a Jooooooo was made a hero during the tragic Virginia Tech shootings. Are these guys pathetic or what? Does this dolt think that the VT shootings wouldn't have been as strong a media event had a Holocaust survivor not been a hero?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
by Politically Correct Apostate

What happened at Virginia Tech was NOT the worst mass murder of children in the History of the United States
What happened at Virginia Tech was NOT the worst mass murder of children in the History of the United States. But don't expect to hear about the Bath School Disaster because no alleged Jewish holocaust survivors died there.

The Bath School Disaster

With all due respect and sympathy to the victims and their families of the Columbine and McDonald's shootings, the Oklahoma bombing, and other mass murders, they were not the worst mass murders of children in the US.
On May 18, 1927, 45 people, mostly children, were killed and 58 were injured when disgruntled and demented school board member Andrew Kehoe dynamited the new school building in Bath, Michigan out of revenge over his foreclosed farm due in part to the taxes required to pay for the new school.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Settling The Score With The Goldsteins

NOTE: The author of this piece is a 14 year old girl, who is tragically filled with hate thanks to her self loathing Judeophobic father, Mark Glenn.

Posted December 17, 2006
by Stefania Glenn

Yes, I know, Mr. Goldstein, I’ve heard all about it. I’ve heard all about the Holocaust, when 6 million or 6 billion or 6 trillion or 6 gazillion–or however many Jews you want–were murdered by mean old Hitler. I’ve heard all about the diary of Anne Frank, the Jewish girl who died in a German concentration camp during World War II. I’ve heard all about your people’s persecution in Russia. I’ve heard all about how your people have been despised and oppressed all over the world. Yes, I know, I know! You don’t need to remind me AGAIN that for nearly two thousand years you have been without a country. How could I possibly forget these things? You and your paid liars never get tired of screaming insensibly about all the inhuman crimes that have been committed against the Jews. About the only thing we ever hear these days is that your people, the Jews, have suffered horribly throughout history and that we (the non-Jews) must make amends with you in every way possible.

Well, Mr. Goldstein, here in the United States of America, we have done everything within our power to pay you back. I don’t know what else you could possibly want. We helped you acquire your own country. We stood by silently while you murdered hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians at Deir Yassin, so that your desire to have a country of your own could be fulfilled. We send ten billion dollars of American tax money to Israel every year, even though America is already in debt up to her eyebrows. We are constantly hiring some blabbermouth to rant and rave to America about “God’s chosen people” and how they have always been “under attack” and how we must rescue them from “all the Hitlers of the world”. We are never finished hearing about your precious Holocaust, since it seems that you would never be able to exist without it. You are the kings of this country. We have licked your boots for so long that you don’t have any boots left…

…So now, Mr. Goldstein, please tell me, because I am dying of curiosity to know what it is that you want. What more can we possibly do for you? How can you still be unhappy with the way you are treated?

Do you think you are the only group of people that has ever suffered? That is one of the most conceited things I have ever heard. Very typical of you, though. I cannot pretend to be shocked or even mildly surprised at this idea. It is just too typical. After all, don’t you also view yourselves as a superior race? Don’t you call the rest of us non-Jews “goyim” or “cattle”? You really are the most self-centered group of people there has ever been. Therefore, I really can’t be surprised that you would entertain the absurd idea that the Jewish people are the only sufferers in the world. Or at least, that their suffering is the only suffering that truly counts. 66 million Russians died during and after the Bolshevik Revolution. However, nobody seems to feel any sort of special obligation to the Russians the way they do for your 6 million. I have always been horrible at math, but it is unquestionable even in my mind that Russia’s 66 million greatly overshadows your 6 million. But never mind that, Mr. Goldstein. The Russians really don’t matter that much. What we need to concentrate on is how many other things we should be doing for you.

Now come on, just tell me. What do you want? What can we do that will make you happy? If there is anything that we have not already done for you, tell me what it is, and we’ll be sure to do it right away. If you were anyone else, I would encourage you not to be shy in making your demand, but as I have never known you to be short on boldness or nerve, I see no point in warning you against what you yourself would never even think of doing. So go ahead, shoot. Tell me what we have not yet done for you. Go ahead, I’m listening.

Oh, my goodness, Mr. Goldstein, you make me laugh! No, no! I heard you perfectly! You don’t need to keep screaming it over and over again. I heard you. You said that the thing you want is for us to submit our very beings to you. In short, become your slaves. (You see? I KNEW I didn’t need to worry about any shyness on your part!) You say we have not become your slaves? Who do you think you are trying to fool? We are your slaves. We have been for years! Only slaves would bow to your every wish the way we have. Was I not clear when I said earlier that we have been licking your boots for so long that you don’t even have any boots left? Yeah, okay then. We’ll buy you a new pair of boots since we have apparently wronged you by licking them off. What?! You want them made out of solid diamond?! We can’t afford that! How about we just get a pair of sneakers from the thrift store? Oh, okay, never mind, never mind! We’ll get you the diamond. Your wish is our command. But boy, oh, BOY! I just can’t get over what you said about us not being your slaves! In fact, I can’t stop laughing. Now, please, Mr. Goldstein, PLEASE, will you stop screaming like that? You are a somewhat disturbing spectacle with that blood vessel popping out of your neck, your mouth covered in froth and your eyes bulging two inches out of your head. Calm down! It really isn’t good for your health to throw these violent temper tantrums.

All right. Now that you have finally gotten yourself under control, perhaps you can rationally answer the question that I am about to ask you. Ready? Okay, then; is it possible (in your mind, at least) that the Jews have suffered so much that we gentiles will never be able to repay you? Will we never be able to refill the great hole of your suffering? Will you never be satisfied with our efforts to appease you?

I heard you answer in the affirmative. Well, I must admit that I am glad to know that. Since we now know that you can never be happy–that despite the whole world’s concentrated efforts, it is impossible to ever repay you, and that making you happy is a flat impossibility, maybe we can turn our attention over to another subject. Maybe since what we have been trying to accomplish all these years is utterly impossible, we can just forget it and focus on what is possible. I am only being reasonable, Mr. Goldstein, when I ask ‘what are you going to do to repay us for all the suffering that you have caused?’

How are you going to repay all the Palestinians whose land you stole and whose children you have been murdering for over half a century? How are you going to repay the millions of babies that you have murdered in abortion clinics? How are you going to repay the families of the thousands of Americans who died on September 11th? How are you going to repay the Iraqis for destroying their country? How are you going to repay the families of the American soldiers who have died in Iraq? How are you going to repay the Lebanese for ruining their country? How are you going to repay all those who suffer under communism, which is another invention of yours? How are you going to repay the Muslims for all the lies that you have told about them? How are you going to repay all the Christians that you martyred when Christianity was still new?

You’re speechless, Mr. Goldstein, but I can read your answer in the hatred of your eyes. You will never try to repay us for the suffering that you have caused. You will never even apologize. And what is more you will continue to treat us Gentiles in this inhuman and merciless manner. You will never voluntarily stop. You will never attempt in any manner to repay us…

but that’s alright, don’t worry, we’ll repay you…

We will repay you for every injustice that you have caused. We will repay you for every drop of innocent blood that you have spilled, and it is possible to do so. Just wait and see, you will be served justice one day.

A very wise, just, merciful man from Nazareth whom you also killed once said to your leaders ‘Upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on Earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zachariah.’ I have never doubted His words…He always knew what He was talking about.

I will not try to convert you, Mr. Goldstein because I know that it is impossible. Remember, that we are now focusing on possibilities. So, since you refuse to become a human being by leaving your primitive, savage way of thinking, I will only warn you. Of course, you will not listen to me, but I will do it anyway. I warn you that things are going to be changing. You will be experiencing justice for the 1st time in your life. There is a day coming when humanity will get sick of being treated like animals. They are going to find out why they have suffered so much. They are going to be angry. And guess what? You are going to be the object of their rage. You are going to get a triple-dose of your own medicine, which ought to please you, since you always want more of anything than anyone else has. You are going to discover how human beings act when they see a glimmer of hope after being beaten down all their lives.

There, I have now told you what to expect one day. Now when it happens, you won’t be able to rant, rave, scream, kick, holler, howl and screech about how ‘it isn’t fair’ because nobody every warned you.

Well, Mr. Goldstein, I am sure that you do not like my tone. I can see that by the blood vessel in your neck that has finally burst that you do not like what I am saying at all. But considering every injustice that you have caused, every suffering that you have aided, all the innocent blood that you have spilled, I would say that this is merely a feeble attempt of mine to settle the score between us. I don’t see why you are so furious with me. After all, I am only trying to pay you back. isn’t that the very thing that you have wanted for so many years?
2006 by Stefania Glenn