Monday, October 27, 2008

A Tribute To Jorg Haider

Here is a scene from Little Nicky:

Neo Nazi Jorg Haider, like many of his followers, had no problem getting hammered behind the wheel. And like many of his followers, he dealt with his homosexual urges by transferring his hate for himself, by hating Jews and non whites.
Apparently, his fatal crash followed a visit to a gay bar. It makes sense that he was mellowing out in his later years, by directly acknowledging he was gay, thus he had less reason to hate himself and transfer that hate outwards.

This is funny. Over at Bill White's website ( there is a lot of speculation that John De Nugent is gay. Read the comments.

Please note: I feel very strongly that people are born gay, and most gays deal with it by being themselves. There are those who resent the urges they are born with and some deal with that by irrationally hating other groups.

Speaking of Bill White and his web site, White (see recent blog post) has been arrested and jailed without bond for allegedly threatening a juror on his web site.


Gert said...

Very quiet here. Running out of circus freaks a little?

Look what the cat dragged in... This guy's blogroll is a veritable treasure trove...

Baconeater said...

Hey Twerp. I'm Canadian for one thing. So I breathe Canadian air.
OOOOH, you scare me twerp. I've been hearing ITZ coming for over 40 years, and life couldn't be better.
Not for you though, obviously LOL, you are so OWNT.

Yes, you are an internet circus freak and the civilized world loathes your ilk.

America has already woke up to your ilk, and you make Americans sick and disgusted that you breathe the same air as them.

And keep calling me Jew, it is a compliment but it also shows your inferiority complex.

Thanks again for making me laugh so hard.