Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The War Against Britain's Jews

Backseat Blogger has linked a very good documentary on anti-semitism in Britain.

Yes Gert (Developing Your Web Presence), it is a growing problem in Britain. The wacked out far Left are pouring fuel on the anti-semitic flames that the Muslim and Fascist Right start, causing a very dangerous situation for Jews in England.

Here is part 4 of 6, how irrational hatred for Israel spills over to domestic hatred of the Jews in Britain. For the rest, check out Backstreet Blogger's post:


southfield_2001 said...

Gee, beaj...anti-Semitism in a European nation? Who ever would have thunk it?
Seriously, it should come as no surprise to anyone. The British have had a thick vein of Judeophobia running through their society for centuries.

Gert said...

Firstly, as with all problems it's important not to overstate it. I can honestly say that although I've lived here for many, many years I've never witnessed a single anti-Semitic incident with my own eyes. These incidents do of course exist and are very well documented but the fact that I've never actually seen one would reasonably suggest that it's hardly a rampant problem.

As regards dragging the left into it, Littlejohn, like everyone else, has a bit of an agenda and it shows through. That's his right of course but it reduces the objectivity of his doc.


Anti-Semitism is a European, mainly Christian disease alright but it existed also in the US all throughout the twenties and thirties.

And US support for Israel really only starts in earnest after '67. Some Americans will have you try and believe that that support is as old as the Old Testament itself...

Gert said...

Ironically, backstreetblogger merely confirms my own fears regarding how this doc will now be used to shore up the myth that Europe is quickly nearing Shoah II:

"It is quite clear that the rampant European antisemitism that was put in temporary abeyance by the Shoah is back in again in full force. Much to the shame of our civilization."

I see Manichean idiots still rule the day on Tinkerwebs...

Gert said...

Here's a second opinion on the program.

And don't forget to meet the program maker Richard Littlejohn. It would be a sad day when British Jews need to rely on the likes of him for their defence...

Baconeater said...

I found some more real history for you Gert:)

I understand that it doesn't solve the problem, it just makes me feel better about my position.

I don't think Jews are relying on Littlejohn. But he does make very valid points.

southfield_2001 said...

Actually, Gert, I'm well aware that some European nations supported Israel well before the US did.
However, that does not offset the general vein of anti-Semitism that has been present in European societies for centuries, one that has had a rather stunning, public revival thanks to the influx of muslims aided by the left wingers.
Quite frankly, I don't know why any Jew chooses to live in Europe and I'm damn glad my grandfather and father got out although I wish it had been before WWII so they wouldn't have gone through what they did.

southfield_2001 said...

Oh, and BTW, gert, you may not have seen anti-semitism in the form of physical attacks or the like, but make no mistake, the actions of, for instance, British journalists, university professors, the boycotts by unions, etc., are anti-Semitic.
There is simply no other way to explain the singling out of Israel for such treatment.

Gert said...


One of the interviewees, Tony Greenstein, also author of the rebuttal above, as well as other British Jews, supports the boycott. I don't. Without a shimmer of doubt most criticism of Israel, valid or invalid, would be seen by you as anti-Semitism. I support Israel yet have been called an anti-Semite G-d only knows how many times. And I know only one Israeli who has ever expressed any concern about that...

If you read what is written about Islam in general (NOT Radical Islam), then, as Jonathan Freedland (and other Jews) said, there would be ructions if similar things were said about Jewry...


Elder of Zyon, real history? From someone who refers to the Palestinians as Palarabs? Don't make me laugh... I'm convinced you read nothing but contemporary punditry on Israel and Palestine, mainly from Tinterwebs...

Baconeater said...

I don't Gert, but I kinda think newspapers are a good source for real history.

southfield_2001 said...

In fact, gert, I've several times posted that I don't consider you an anti-semite.
You are, however, extremely shortsighted and naive in your viewpoints, figuring that if you, personally, haven't witnessed something, then it doesn't exist.
Honest criticism of Israel and Israeli policies is not anti-Semitism. Singling Israel out for special treatment is anti-Semitism because there is simply no other way to explain why you would choose it over any number of other countries for censure.
Even you, with your bluster, have not proffered up a single, even remotely legitimate reason to explain it.

Mad Zionist said...

As I said on Gert's blog, the real question is whether or not anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism. The anti-Zionist left, Gert included, will scream bloody murder that the two are not related. They are wrong, and in complete denial of what the relationship between Judaism and Zionism really is all about.

Let me ask this question: If Zionism were in fact found to be a critical element of Judaism would anti-Zionism then not by default be anti-Semitic, too?

Seems like simple math to me.

Baconeater said...

If Zionism was a critical element of Judaism, then yes it would, but then you are talking against religious Jews.
I'm a non religious Jew and a strong Zionist. So I like Southfield's analogy. If one singles out Israel, it is more than fair to question a person's bigotry.

Mad Zionist said...

OK, than if we put it back to the basic point of whether or not being anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, period. Putting aside for a moment any religious discussion, is hatred towards those who believe that Israel is rightfully the home of the Jewish people itself anti-Semitism?

I can't see how it's not.

Baconeater said...

If someone is equally against Muslim states for the same reasons they are against Israel, and/or spend most of their time writing about Darfur for example, but also see parallels regarding those in Darfur to the Palis and even the Kurds (who incidentally are actually closer to the Jews not the Palis as far as being allowed a state is concerned), then anti-Zionism does not have to equal anti-semitism.

But the fact is that most of the cases of those against Israel are picking Israel over every other conflict on the planet, and they are choosing to rag on Israel for being a state that puts Jews first while ignoring all Muslim states.

So most anti-Zionists, almost all, are anti-semitic to some degree.

Gert said...

The "they single out Israel!" is a no-brainer. For one I criticise other states too, in the case of the US that often begets you the epithet "anti-American", so from that point of view, I'm anti-American, anti-British, anti-Palestinian, anti-this and anti-that. But not anti-Zionist, I can assure you of that.

The truth is that Europeans often do have more interest in Israel than in other parts of the world, there are historical reasons for that. Am I not perfectly entitled to take more interest in one of the world's areas than in others, without having to be suspected of something?

Can't you see you're also creating the impression that according to you guys all matters regarding Israel should best be left to Jews only, no interlopers please...


"You are, however, extremely shortsighted and naive in your viewpoints, figuring that if you, personally, haven't witnessed something, then it doesn't exist."

This is a completely ridiculous straw man argument and I seriously resent it. I have in fact been saying the exact opposite: that it does indeed exist and is on the rise. You are a prejudiced and myopic agenda-driven reader...